Lately A's friends have been coming almost everyday to call him to play in the park. As soon as the clock hits 4:45 pm, 2-3 boys ring my door bell, with expecting eyes and waiting to hear me say, "He will down in 5 minutes. He is drinking milk."

3 days back though, it took me back into my olden-golden days when my friends used to come and call me around 5 in the evening. It used to make me important and 'needed'. "If you don't come, we will not talk to you anymore." "If you are there, how can we win the game of 'gallery'?" Oh, what fun it was!

Many thoughts sprang into my mind since then, about those days. Probably the most innocent and fun filled days of my life, when there were no laptops, computers, cell phones, iPads, iPods to kill our love being out in the sun or getting tanned or getting dirty as a rag. It did not matter whether we washed hands before drinking water or ringing doorbells of random houses to drink water during a game. Oh my, we could not think of the possible chances of being held back at home if we went to drink water! And do you remember the time old "Time Piece!!!" Obviously it would be just when we are about get 'out' :D

This post is about my flashback, about what all I could remember from those days which is still etched in my memories. 

The good old marbles. I took days to learn it and once I learnt it, I never wanted to let go. 

The ever favourite: Hide and Seek. The adrenalin rush it gave us when we were hiding was unimaginable. BTW I hated seeking!

This one still happens at home. A and N would be playing, and N would conveniently 'forget' that she is supposed to seek. A would be hiding big time!

The game of Stapoo. The lucky stone we kept safely which made us win...like all the time. How much I used to kiss and spray magic on it to fall inside the right peg. :)

Climbing trees: There used to be old lady who had a guava tree in her backyard. She used to have cane too...to hit us. The guavas never tasted that yummy ever after!

"Ammumma, can I please have a 25 paise coin. I want to buy a candy. I promise, I will never ever ask for more." Well, this dialogue happened about thrice a week. 

The candies and marble lime sodas we used to share among friends. It did not matter whether some one had a bad cough or cold. What had to be shared HAD to shared. 

The yummmmmm Hajmola (not candy of these days) My grandmom used to hide it from me. Well, my job used to be find it while she took a bath, grab it, eat it and digest it before she came out. 

Oh ya...this too. It used be my favourite! Check out Pooja Bhatt :P
I have fond memories of these coins. That of Mother Dairy milk booth. Accompnying my grandmom to buy milk every evening around 4:30. And then enticing her to buy me a candy or corn cobs. Sighhhh...

HE MAN!!!!!! 
I have the Power! Cringer became the Mighty Battle Cat, and I became He-Man the most powerful man in the universe. Only a few others share this secret... Our friends: The Sorceress, Man-At-Arms and Orko. Together we defend Castle Greyskull from the evil forces of Skeletor.
I am the Master of the Universe....

Move away Chota Bheem!

So, this...Ladies and Gentlemen...was my flashback.Hope you went back to the golden days too :)
